Filmmaker Forums
Announcing the 2021 Behind the Lens Filmmaker Panels! Patrons are invited to sit in on a moderated discussion amongst a group of attending filmmakers. Don’t forget to grab your lunch before you arrive.

Agency and Allyship: Telling Tough Stories
cornerstone arts center studio c
Moderated by Taylor Nygaard
Every year the RMWFF elevates the stories of women and others who are often unheard or unseen. These are sometimes challenging, provocative, or triggering films that take guts, persistence, care, and patience to get made. Join us in a conversation with filmmakers as they discuss the process of making these compelling films and especially the agency and allyship needed to overcome a variety of challenges and obstacles to telling these important stories.
Expected Participants

Andrea Gonzales-Paul
Live or failure

Chelsea Hernandez
Building the American Dream

Avela Grenier
People and Process: Relationships in Documentary Film
Worner Campus Center GAYLORD HALL
Moderated by Dylan Nelson
Human relationships are at the heart of any documentary filmmaking process. As theorist Bill Nichols writes, documentary involves “questions of trust—a quality that cannot be legislated, proposed or promised in the abstract so much as demonstrated, earned and granted.” Join us in a conversation with filmmakers discussing how they build, navigate, and expand their relationships with their subjects across a wide variety of ethical and emotional terrain.
Expected Participants

Storytelling: Entertainment or Activism
Worner Campus Center GAYLORD HALL
Moderated by Taylor Nygaard
RMWFF believes that film has the power to spark new levels of empathy and understanding, stimulate constructive discourse, and lead to cultural and community connection through awakening new ideas, entertaining and delighting audiences, and pushing creative boundaries. But how do filmmakers strike that balance between entertainment and activism? Join us in a conversation with filmmakers discussing the role of film as activism and the challenges they face in thinking about the relationships between entertainment, education, and advocacy when telling their stories.