
Celebrate Women’ History Month with RMWF

It’s Women’s History Month! Celebrate with a few of our favorite films about the many, many women who have moved us, inspired us, and made a mark on us.

My Love Affair with the Brain | Directed by Gary Weimberg and Catherine Ryan | 57 mins.
This Emmy-nominated documentary follows the life and times of neuroscience pioneer Dr. Marian Diamond. Dr. Diamond and her team of scientists made groundbreaking discoveries about what our brains can do, including how it can grow and change at any age, the link between positive thinking and immune health, and carried out landmark experiments on the brain of Albert Einstein. On top of the scientific barriers she broke, Dr. Diamond defied the odds and her male colleagues to become one of the most accomplished people in her field. Streaming for free on Vimeo.

Iris | Directed by Albert Maysles | 79 mins.
Legendary documentarian Albert Maysles takes on the life of fashion icon Iris Apfel in this critically acclaimed feature. Follow Iris’ 9 years working with textiles in the White House, her storied turn restoring fabrics at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (and then having her fashion collection exhibited there), her worldly travels and amassing of a treasured jewelry collection, and watch her create her inimitable style– you really have to see it to believe it.Streaming for free on Kanopy.

93Queen | Directed by Paula Eiselt | 90 mins.
In the Hasidic enclave of Borough Park, Brooklyn, is Hatzolah, the world’s largest volunteer ambulance corps. Women aren’t allowed to join– but Rachel Freier is determined to change that. This documentary follows Freier and other tenacious women in Borough Park as they challenge the norms and defy the odds to create their own EMS crew and provide the women in their community with the medical care they deserve. Find where it’s available to stream.

CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap | Directed by Robin Hauser Reynolds | 80 mins.
The Digital Age is here, the jobs are here, but the women– aren’t. Seven years ago, this documentary shed light on the disparity of women working in tech related jobs, and seven years later, women are still less than 29% of the tech workforce. Learn about the women who were the true pioneers of coding (from Ada Lovelace to Grace Hopper), follow young girls as they discover their interest in computer science for the first time, take a look at the code behind the scenes, and see what it’s really like for women working in the industry that continue to break barriers. A phenomenal double feature with Bombshell: The Heddy Lamarr Story, who might be known for her performances on the big screen but also her contributions to the smaller screens we use on the daily– her invention is the basis of Bluetooth. Find where it’s available to stream. And its double feature companion, too!

Real Women Have Curves | Directed by Patricia Cardoso | 90 mins.
Ana dreams of going to college, not working in her sister’s sewing factory the rest of her life. But her mother has other ideas, and insists Ana stay in East LA. Winner of the Audience Award for Best Dramatic Film at Sundance, Patricia Cardoso’s coming of age feature is a tender, warm-hearted, and oftentimes hilarious look at cultural expectations, becoming a woman, and learning what you want out of your life in a world that tries to decide for you. Find where it’s available to stream.

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