
A Circle of Support Exclusive Event

Rocky Mountain Women’s Film is excited to offer this exclusive screening event to donors who have contributed to our Circle of Support as Friends, Patrons, or Ambassadors, and who make our year-round programming possible.  Before the film, we’ll host a themed reception, complete with palomas, aqua fresca and freshly made sopapillas!  Film description and trailer below.

Thursday, February 29 beginning at 6:30pm
>> See details about how to contribute to the Circle of Support to secure an invitation to this event


DIANA KENNEDY: NOTHING FANCY is an intimate, candid perspective into the curious world of cookbook author and British ex-pat Diana Kennedy – widely regarded as the world’s expert on Mexican cuisine. At five feet tall and 97 years old, Diana is larger than life: a foul-mouthed fireball far more feisty and energetic than her age and petite frame let on. Author of nine Mexican cookbooks, she has spent over 60 years researching and documenting the regional cuisines of Mexico. Kennedy has lived ‘off-the-grid’ on an eight-acre ranch outside Zitácuaro, Michoacán since the 1970’s: composting, growing her own crops, and using solar power to run her home. Aware of her own mortality, she is working tirelessly to solidify the legacy of her life’s efforts, with the hope of turning her home into a foundation for culinary education in Mexico.

A two-time James Beard Award winner, Diana was decorated with an Order of the Aztec Eagle from the Mexican government and became a Member of the Order of the British Empire from the UK in 2002. Despite her notable achievements, Diana is difficult to categorize. Often referred to as the “Julia Child of Mexico,” but Diana preferred a different title: “The Mick Jagger of Mexican Cuisine.”



Contribute to the Circle of Support before February 25th to attend [Click Here]

Become a member of RMWF Circle of Support and be part of the ever-growing community of film lovers who support our year-round programming. The ‘Behind the Scenes’ series is an exclusive event offered free of charge to our Circle of Support donors.


Feb. 29, 2024


6:30 pm


Free for Circle of Support
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