
An Evening with Deborah J. Richardson

After watching THE FIGHT, we hope you will join us for a conversation with Deborah Richardson, the executive director of the ACLU of Colorado, on Thursday, March 25th from 7-8pm.  This event is being presented in partnership with Pikes Peak Community College and hosted on their Webex platform.

An Evening with Deborah J. Richardson, Executive Director of the ACLU Colorado

RMWF, along with our community partner, Pikes Peak Community College, is proud to offer a live conversation with Deborah Richardson, the new executive director of the ACLU of Colorado. After streaming the film at your convenience (March 22-25), please plan to attend this conversation on Thursday, March 25th at 7pm (live, online event).  This event is free and open to the public.

Deborah J. Richardson has more than three decades of experience in transformative

non-profit executive leadership in global, national, and local organizations working to advance civil and human rights for non-dominant identity groups. Richardson is a nationally recognized expert and advocate in advancing justice for women and their families, convening diverse, cross-cultural, community-based coalitions committed to equitable societies.

Ms. Richardson is a native of Atlanta, Georgia and her lived observations and direct experiences informed her deep commitment to social change. She has also served as the Chief Executive Officer of The Atlanta Women’s Foundation and as Chief Program Officer of the Women’s Funding Network in San Francisco, California.

This event is free and open to the public.

Attendees are able to pre-register or join on the day of the event.

This conversation is LIVE and being hosted virtually on Webex, an online video conferencing platform. We recommend using Google Chrome and downloading the WebEx Extension to your device in advance of the event, if possible.

Event address for attendees:https://cccs-meetings.webex.com/cccs-meetings/onstage/g.php?MTID=ed06e84a73099ce5a4bef91fe653b948a
Date and time:Thursday, March 25th, 2021 7:00 pm
Mountain Standard Time
Duration:1 hour
Tech Support:Email [email protected]
Event number:120 276 3624
Event password:WHM2021

[To watch the film before attending the discussion (available 3/22-3/25) go here:  https://watch.eventive.org/rmwfcinema/play/6041d13a2839240060b4f9ff]



Mar. 25, 2021


This is a LIVE event
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm



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