

Beyond Imagining: Margaret Anderson and the ‘Little Review’

Bold literary visionary Margaret Anderson founded the journal Little Review in 1914, an overlooked but profound influence on American literature. Anderson introduced writers such as Gertrude Stein, Emma Goldman, Djuna Barnes and Ezra Pound, and went to trial for publishing excerpts from James Joyce’s new work, ULYSSES. Immersed in her own pointed, charismatic writings, this engrossing profile follows Anderson’s inspiring life and travels. Anderson resisted censorship, meager finances and mediocrity in her unflagging search for literary enchantment; this film reveals her life to be her greatest creation.

Beatrice Wood: Mama of Dada

This film provides an unusual glimpse into the lives, loves, and influences of this incredible woman artist who seems as well known for her eccentric personality as for her art.

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