

My Father the Mover

Alatha’s father calls himself a Mover. Using African dance moves, he helps kids in Khayelitsha township to transcend their hardship (drugs, poverty and abuse) and “find their superpowers.” The Mover is also a single father. And while he has helped many kids, he still has difficulty getting his own daughter to find her own powers. But in a tender moment together, this is all about to change.

My Darling Vivian

My mother’s own story has often been lost or misinterpreted to serve a myth. This elegant film about her ― the real Vivian Liberto, not the Hollywood version ― is painful but compassionate, wrenching but true. Even though she was an intensely private woman, I think she longed to have her story told, and her place in the history of my family acknowledged with respect and love. Matt Riddlehoover and Dustin Tittle have succeeded in giving her that place. My sisters and I are deeply moved by and grateful for My Darling Vivian.

-Rosanne Cash

Missing in Brooks County

The epicenter for migrant deaths in the United States isn’t on the border–it’s in Brooks County, Texas,70 miles north of the Rio Grande. Two families arrive here to search for their missing loved ones and find a haunted land and very few answers.

Meat the Future

With animal agriculture occupying roughly 45% of the world’s surface area , producing m ore greenhouse gases than cars, the prospect of meat consumption doubling by 2050 is a wake – up call for solutions. The planet’s future may lie with “clean meat,” also known as “cell – based meat” and “cult ivated meat , ” a food science that grows real meat fro m animal cells, without the need to slaughter animals. Billionaires Bill Gates and Richard Branson, and food giants Cargill and Tyson have invested in the birth of this new industry, instilling confidence that cell – based meat may soon come to market as a s ustainable alternative to conventional meat.


Anna is 16, and lives with her young mother, Rebecca. It is the end of another summer defined by her mom’s flings and conquests, but during which Anna begins to discover her own sensuality. As Anna learns she is pregnant, her mother sees herself in her daughter, at the same age, facing the same choices. And if Anna’s decision implies a rupture in her relationship with Rebecca, she will find support where she least expects it.

Knocking Down the Fences

This is the story of a superstar athlete- and why the sports industry hasn’t put her on your radar. AJ Andrews is the first woman to win a Rawlings Gold Glove, an award given to the best fielders in baseball for decades. But winning the Gold Glove did not change the fact that Andrews earns less than $15k a year in an industry more willing to pay female athletes to model than to play their sport.

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