
Allison Volk

Films by this filmmaker
Allison Volk

Allison Volk is a writer/director based in Denver, Colorado. Her work has played at film festivals globally, most recently at Palm Springs Shortfest, Aspen ShortsFest, Comic Con San Diego, and more. DEANY BEAN IS DEAD, a feature-length dark comedy written by and starring Volk, premiered at the Dances with Films Festival, directed by Mikael Kreuzriegler.

Volk’s stage plays have been produced in New York and LA, including the comedy RITE OF SEYMOUR; the comedy SONNETS, SONGS & SORRY, WILL’S BEEN DEAD 400 YEARS!; and THE LAST TWO PEOPLE ON THE PLATFORM, winner of the Denise Regan Wisenmeyer Award for Playwrighting.

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