Director and Producer, blair dorosh-walther identifies as gender non-conforming and uses both male and female pronouns, is a social issue documentary director, experienced production designer, and artist with a passion for inspiring action for social justice through media. blair graduated with a BFA in Film from NYU and was awarded the Adam Balsano Award for social significance in documentary filmmaking for hir short documentary Metsi on water privatization’s impact on women in a South African township. His short documentary Cry Don’t Cry on bereavement experienced through the eyes of a diverse group of teenagers is distributed worldwide through Aquarius Videos and won the National Health Information Awards’ Silver Award in 2005. For Out in the Night, blair was awarded the Joyce Warshow Fund from Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, was a Film Independent Fast Track fellow in 2013, and was selected as a participant at the Sundance Producer’s Summit in 2012. Out in the Night is her first feature documentary. blair has supported hir artistic career by working in direct care with adults living with developmentally disabilities, mental illness, addiction, homelessness and HIV/AIDS for the past 12 years.