
“,https://rmwfstaging.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/200CindyKleine.jpg,,,2419 Dawn,Logsdon,,,Dawn Logsdon is making her feature-length directing debut with Faubourg Trem?. A nationally-acclaimed editor in the Bay Area for many years Dawn returned to her hometown in 1999

Films by this filmmaker
Films Titles Pending
“,https://rmwfstaging.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/200CindyKleine.jpg,,,2419 Dawn,Logsdon,,,Dawn Logsdon is making her feature-length directing debut with Faubourg Trem?. A nationally-acclaimed editor in the Bay Area for many years Dawn returned to her hometown in 1999

and its culture.

Dawn previously edited the 2004 Academy Award?-nominated documentary film