I turned 40 this year, and I looked at the media landscape and saw very little images of women who reflect my experience. Women are not equally represented in the media – of all speaking roles in theatrically-released films in 2014, women only had 25% of speaking roles. When women are seen on screen, they are typically, young, white, extremely thin and “beautiful.” When you don’t see images of yourself on screen, you realize that your stories aren’t valued. I wanted to change that in my own small way by making a film about my friend, Jenny, who is 40 and has struggled with her weight and subsequent depression for many years. She, like many other women, suffer from unrealistic expectations of how women are supposed to look, act, feel. Her story inspires me to rethink how I see my body and myself as a strong and confident woman. I hope it inspires other women also, especially youth who are still shaping their self-identity as women.