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The Last Ranger
When young Litha is introduced to the magic of a game reserve by the last remaining ranger, they are ambushed by poachers. In the ensuing battle to save the rhinos, Litha discovers a terrible secret.
Screening day / time
  • Oct 19 (Sat): Block 5 – 4:45pm

The Last Ranger

Running Time
Short Film
28 minutes
Narrative, Short

The Last Ranger

When young Litha is introduced to the magic of a game reserve by the last remaining ranger, they are ambushed by poachers. In the ensuing battle to save the rhinos, Litha discovers a terrible secret.

Filmmaker Notes:

My experience growing up in an acutely patriarchal South African culture often challenged my identity as a gay woman. I learned to tell stories as a way of communicating difficult to define emotions brought on by those challenges.

I now make films in order to explore other challenging ideas that I am trying to make sense of, and to tell stories that hopefully help people understand the complexities of their own experience.

The Last Ranger is a film about the horrors of rhino poaching. But it is also about the Xhosa communities that surround the reserves where the rhinos live. Looking for meaningful work near their families, many Xhosa women are signing up to be game rangers in these reserves. They have become highly effective caregivers and fierce protectors of these magnificent creatures.

Within our wildlife conservation film is a female empowerment story about a precocious young Xhosa girl who discovers her destiny as a powerful warrior. Hopefully her story will inspire young women to believe in their ability to protect what is important to them.

Film details
Year(s) screened
  • 2024
More information
Where to Watch
Festival screenings
Screening Day / Time
  • Oct 19 (Sat): Block 5 – 4:45pm
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