Madelyn Osur
Film Library
As an ongoing commitment to build community around film, we welcome you to explore a catalog of titles that have been shown at the Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Festival over the last 37 years. These films celebrate the drive, spirit and diversity of women, while sharing the stories and experiences of those often unheard or unseen.

‘Bama Girl
This film follows a young black woman’s quest to become the 2005 Homecoming Queen at the University of Alabama, running against a strictly segregated Greek system, internal black politics, and a secret all-white association that has been controlling campus politics at the University.
‘Til Death Do Us Part
He said. She said. What is the truth? Cindy Kleine aims a camera; asks a few simple questions; gets a few seemingly simple answers. In between is a supposedly shared lifetime. A simple film raising anything but simple questions.

Ten Muslim women show the diverse, lively, argumentative debates in Muslim societies about the meanings of modernity, emancipation, feminism, and wearing hijab, the headscarf.

#FEMALE PLEASURE is a plea for female sexuality in the 21st century. Questioning millennial patriarchal structures as well as todays omnipresent porn-culture, it accompanies five extraordinary women around the globe, fighting for a self-determined, joyful female sexuality.

Stephanie Houser embarks on a grueling 147-mile run over 48 hours, each mile symbolizing a day her preemie baby, Zev, battled for his life in the NICU. As their stories entwine, Steph’s run and Zev’s fight for survival push the Hauser family’s hope to the limits.

20 Seconds of Joy
Addictions take many forms. For 30-year-old Norwegian adrenaline junkie and professional BASE jumper Karina Hollekim, her addiction is danger. Amongst spectacular landscapes in some of the most remote corners of the world, the film offers stunning cinematography and a breathtaking joyride.

26. 2 To Life
Behind the walls of San Quentin State Prison, three men sentenced to life in prison for murder undertake running a marathon on a quest for redemption and freedom — or something like it.
3 1/2 Minutes, Ten Bullets
3 1⁄2 MINUTES, TEN BULLETS dissects the shooting death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis by Michael Dunn in Jacksonville, Florida on Black Friday, 2012. The film examines the aftermath of this systemic tragedy, the contradictions within the American criminal justice system – particularly the implications of the “Stand Your Ground” self-defense law, and the racial prejudices that ensued.

32 Pills: My Sister’s Suicide
Hope Litoff embarks on an exhaustive investigation to discover why her talented and much-loved sister Ruth committed suicide in 2008.

399: Queen of the Tetons
399: Queen of the Tetons follows the famous Grizzly 399 as she struggles to raise an unusually large litter in the face of human encroachment, a rapidly changing climate, and disputes over her Endangered Species protections.

62 Days
Marlise Muñoz was 33 and 14 weeks pregnant when she died. She suffered a pulmonary embolism and was pronounced brain-dead in Fort Worth, TX. Marlise had previously told her family that she never wanted to be on life support, under any circumstances. And since a brain-dead patient is in fact legally dead, that should have been the end of this sad story. But the Muñoz family was forced to keep Marlise on mechanical support against their will for 62 days, because of a little known law stating “a person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment… from a pregnant patient.”

Set in the Hasidic enclave of Borough Park, Brooklyn, 93QUEEN follows a group of tenacious Hasidic women who are smashing the patriarchy in their community by creating the first all-female volunteer ambulance corps in New York City. With unprecedented — and insider — access, 93QUEEN offers up a unique portrayal of a group of empowered women who are taking matters into their own hands to change their own community from within.
Library Policy
Films can be accessed in two ways. Films are available to borrow for all local residents of the Pikes Peak Region at the RMWF office. Up to THREE FILMS (3) may be checked out at one time for up to TEN (10) DAYS. Films can also be streamed online. Just click on a film you are interested in and you will be taken to its dedicated page. Once there you will see the link “Just Watch” where you can access free streaming of the film or be given options for streaming on other platforms.
These DVDs are the property of Rocky Mountain Women’s Film. Use is authorized for private home screenings only. Reproduction or public showings of these films, in whole or in part, are strictly prohibited. If you are interested in showing a film to a larger audience, please contact RMWF to make arrangements with the appropriate distributor and/or filmmakers.
Tuesday + Thursday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Call ahead – 719.226.0450
We recommend that you call before coming by to ensure someone will be in the office.