Madelyn Osur
Film Library
As an ongoing commitment to build community around film, we welcome you to explore a catalog of titles that have been shown at the Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Festival over the last 35 years. These films celebrate the drive, spirit and diversity of women, while sharing the stories and experiences of those often unheard or unseen.
The Cats of Mirikitani
The filmmaker becomes fascinated by a homeless Japanese-American artist who lives near her New York City apartment. When 9/11 threatens him, she brings him to her home, and embarks on a journey to confront his painful past. An intimate exploration of the lingering wounds of war and the healing powers of friendship and art.
The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks
This first feature documentary about Civil Rights icon Rosa Parks delves deep into her historic role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott and her work both before and after this event. Through interviews with people who knew her, powerful archival footage and her own words, the film tells the story of Parks’ extensive organizing, radical politics, and lifelong dedication to activism.
The Optimists
Despite their weekly training sessions, the volleyball ladies in THE OPTIMISTS, ages 66-98, have not played a match for 30 years. Now this is exactly the plan.
YOUTH v GOV follows 21 young Americans suing the world’s most powerful government to protect their constitutional rights to a stable climate. If they win, they will change the future.
26. 2 To Life
Behind the walls of San Quentin State Prison, three men sentenced to life in prison for murder undertake running a marathon on a quest for redemption and freedom — or something like it.
Black Girls Play: The Story of Hand Games
There may be no journey more fascinating than the exploration of our roots. There may be nothing more revealing than the discovery of where we come from – our inspiration, our ideas, our culture. In the ESPN short film BLACK GIRLS PLAY, directors Michéle Stephenson and Joe Brewster chronicle the origins of the hand games that have been played by young Black girls for generations, and their influence on music, dance, and community all across the American creative landscape.
The Great 14th: Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama in His Own Words
This uniquely exclusive oral autobiography is a profound and inspiring story for the ages.
Joyce Carol Oates: A Body in the Service of Mind
Joyce Carol Oates has remained intensely private, until now. After trying for 16 years, she finally agreed to participate in director Stig Bjorkman intelligent documentary.
How to be at Home
Isolation can be daunting and overwhelming, especially when it extends over long periods of time or when it’s imposed upon us. While we all process loneliness differently, this is currently a collective experience shared across the world. With the hope that their moving work might help you cope with isolation, we want to present a unique and inspiring perspective from two Canadian artists who not only accept but embrace solitude.
Caliefah is an entrepreneur and a single mother of three young kids. Growing up in Compton, she began her business first out of necessity, fueled by her resourcefulness. Upon discovering that personal products like soap weren’t available through the food stamp program, she saw an opportunity to provide for her family.
Told by her daughter Wendy, MINK! chronicles the remarkable Patsy Takemoto Mink, a Japanese American from Hawaii who became the first woman of color elected to the U.S. Congress, on her harrowing mission to co-author and defend Title IX, the law that transformed athletics for generations in America for girls and women.
When a news publisher in Arkansas, an attorney in Arizona, and a speech therapist in Texas are told they must choose between their jobs and their political beliefs, they launch legal battles that expose an attack on freedom of speech across 33 states in America.
Library Policy
Films are available to borrow for all local residents of the Pikes Peak Region. Up to THREE FILMS (3) may be checked out at one time for up to TEN (10) DAYS.
These DVDs are the property of Rocky Mountain Women’s Film. Use is authorized for private home screenings only. Reproduction or public showings of these films, in whole or in part, are strictly prohibited. If you are interested in showing a film to a larger audience, please contact RMWF to make arrangements with the appropriate distributor and/or filmmaker.
Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm
Call ahead – 719.226.0450
We recommend that you call before coming by to ensure someone will be in the office.
- Individual Membership
Suggested donation $20 - Group Membership
Suggested donation $50
Three or more people