a lasting legacy
Planned Giving
Planned giving is for everyone
Thank you for considering a legacy gift to Rocky Mountain Women’s Film. Estate gifts to RMWF can be made via direct contributions to our operating fund, to the Lori Cohen Endowment, or through the Pikes Peak Community Foundation. To discuss the best path to achieving your charitable giving goals, please contact Linda Broker at 719-226-0450 or [email protected], or follow the simple steps below.
01.Choose the type of gift you'd like to make
One of the most popular ways to give, a bequest can be made through gifts of cash, securities, personal property, art collections, or real estate.
Life Income Gifts
These gifts provide you lifetime income while also allowing you to support charitable programs. Life income gifts include charitable gift annuities that feature generous payments for life, and charitable remainder trusts that provide fixed or variable payments you determine. In addition to cash and securities, these gifts can be funded with real estate or other tangible property.
Retirement Accounts
Properly designated charitable gifts of retirement accounts bypass probate, avoid taxation, and reduce the size of your taxable estate.
Life Insurance Policies
A convenient way to multiply your ability to give today is to make a gift of a life insurance policy that designates RMWF as the beneficiary. Gifts of life insurance are tax-deductible when an RMWF is the irrevocable owner and beneficiary of the policy.
Charitable Lead Trusts
A charitable lead trust is an irrevocable trust designed to provide financial support to one or more charities, with the remaining assets eventually going to family members or other beneficiaries.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
A charitable remainder trust is a tax-exempt irrevocable trust designed to reduce the taxable income of individuals by first dispersing income to the beneficiaries of the trust for a specified period of time and then donating the remainder of the trust to the designated charity.
For more planned giving strategies, please contact your legal advisor.
02.Include RMWF in your estate
The following is suggested language for your advisors to integrate into your will, trust, or other beneficiary designation.
Specific Bequest
I give, devise and bequeath to Rocky Mountain Women’s Film, 2727 N Cascade Ave #140, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 the sum of $ _____ to use for its general purposes. (You may also choose to fund a specific program.)
Residuary Bequest
All [or state a ____%] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my property, both real and personal and wheresoever situated, I give, devise and bequeath to Rocky Mountain Women’s Film, 2727 N Cascade Ave #140, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 for its general purposes.
Gift Personal Property
I give, devise and bequeath to Rocky Mountain Women’s Film, 2727 N Cascade Ave #140, Colorado Springs, CO 80907 [here describe the gift, for example: real estate, personal property, art collections, etc.] for its general purposes.
The suggestions above should be used only as a guide. Your legal advisor may have other preferred text, depending on your estate giving strategy. If you’d like RMWF to refer you to an estate professional, please call Linda Broker at 719-226-0450 or [email protected].

03.Notify RMWF about your planned gift
We encourage you to provide us with a copy of the language in your estate documents that documents your gift. The privacy and anonymity of our donors is important, so if you wish for your gift to remain anonymous, please be sure to let us know.
Benefits of Letting RMWF Know About Your Gift:
- Ensures that your planned gift reflects your values, interests, and wishes
- Ensures that your planned gift is directed to an appropriate existing program
- Ensures that the language describing your planned gift is accurate and clear
- Ensures that after thoughtful tax planning your planned gift is properly directed to the organization of your choice
- Ensures that there is a confidential record of your planned gift
Legacy Gift

Lori Cohen Endowment Fund
DR. LORI COHEN, MAY 10, 1958 - OCTOBER 4, 2014
A long-time supporter of women’s film, Dr. Lori Cohen left a substantial estate gift to RMWF and created the Lori Cohen Endowment Fund. Through gifts to the fund, you’ll join Lori in guaranteeing that RMWF receives a steady income stream each and every year, in perpetuity.
Lori is best described as someone with many wheels on her “fun wagon”. From the love and adoration she showered on her chiropractic patients to her love of fine food, fine wine, great hikes, perfect ski days, running in Red Rock Canyon, regular visits to the oceans, and attending and supporting Rocky Mountain Women’s Film.
From its inception, Dr. Cohen was a regular at the Friday night openings and always on for the Saturday and Sunday films as long as she could work in a run during the lunch break! The serious side of the films always touched the warm and thoughtful side of Lori. However, she really enjoyed the quirky, humorous films as well. Lori’s comment afterward was always, “See. Girls can be funny as well!”