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Angry Man
Angry Man is a film about secrets that shouldn’t be secret. When the mommy-fish dies, Boj has had enough, and gets power from his own fantasy to go further.
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Angry Man

Filmmaker info pending
Running Time
20 minutes

Angry Man

Taking on the difficult topic of domestic violence, Norwegian director Anita Killi explores the dynamics that lead to abuse in families, and throws a healing light on a situation that too often remains hidden in the shadows. 

Filmmaker Notes:

I wanted to create a strong and aesthetic film about a difficult topic – domestic violence – for both children and adults. My goal and hope is that the film will help to break the silence and the secrets surrounding domestic violence. I wanted the film to function both in therapy and teaching situations, but also as a free artistic film, to reach and touch as many as possible.

Animated directly under the camera, with a cut-out and multi-level technique, completely without data manipulation, gives the film a special texture and vulnerability, where small “mistakes” can help to emphasize our unpolished reality and inadequacy.

Not many will initially go to see a serious movie about domestic violence, but when this film is selected for festivals and perhaps gets educational distribution, the message will reach many: “Pass it on!” To achieve this has been very important to me, and I may sometimes have made some pedagogical choices rather than artistic ones to get my message through.

Anita Killi, July 2010

Film details
Year(s) screened
  • 2010
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