A world all on its own of humour, warmth and love: Between a boy, David, and his bedridden grandfather, Bosse, there is deep friendship. Bosse is very ill and he is so happy when his little grandson David visits him. David reads the daily news to him and they giggle while watching old clips from when David was younger on the DVD. And he is very amused about David´s reports from school, especially from the biology lesson about how to make babies. The aging man has a secret he wants to share with his grandson; together they make for the woods on a final adventure. The director Åsa Blanck is related to Bosse and David and therefor the team could film very closely. You will find scenes that seldom are captured in this very touching picture.
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Grandpa and Me
A world all on its own of humour, warmth and love: Between a boy, David, and
his bedridden grandfather, Bosse, there is deep friendship. Bosse is very ill and he is so happy when his little grandson
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Grandpa and Me
Filmmaker info pending
Running Time
14 minutes