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We Keep On Dancing
We Keep On Dancing is a short comedy-drama about human connection expressed through the strange meeting, and the even stranger dance, shared by Danny the mechanic and Alan the lonesome gent with the rundown Beetle in The Rainbow Mechanics workshop.
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We Keep On Dancing

Filmmaker info pending
Running Time
9 minutes

We Keep On Dancing

We Keep On Dancing is a story of two very different people breaking down their barriers to connect on a vezy honest level. Set in the Raindow Mechanics Workshop, this fllm follows the unlikely meeting of Alan the sensitive sculptor with the rundown beetle and Danny the aggressive workshop owner. The two men couldn’t be more different and their initial conflict creates a succession of awkward transactions. Alan’s eccentricity aggravates Danny and his annoyance is only amplified by his total lack of auto knowhow. However, their relationship takes a surprising turn when Alan reveals his heartache over the loss of the love of his life, Christine, the beetle’s rightful owner. Alan’s raw vulnerability and his belief in the power of love inspires Danny to drop his guard and connect with Alan on a human level. The beetle is the vehicle (literally) that brings these two unlikely characters together and allows them to share a very special moment through a very strange dance.

Film details
Year(s) screened
  • 2013
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