
Madelyn Osur

Film Library

As an ongoing  commitment to build community around film, we welcome you to explore a catalog of titles that have been shown at the Rocky Mountain Women’s Film Festival over the last 37 years. These films celebrate the drive, spirit and diversity of women, while sharing the stories and experiences of those often unheard or unseen.





The Business of Being Born

This documentary, directed by Abby Epstein, examines the ways that the American health care system approaches childbirth. The traditional form of U.S. birth involves hospitals, drugs and obstetricians, while births in many other countries utilize midwives. Interviews with parents and medical experts explain the realities of maternity care. When Epstein discovers that she is pregnant herself, the discussion becomes less theoretical, as she must decide which form of birthing she will employ.

Film Details

The Oath

From the director of the Oscar-nominated My Country, My Country, The Oath is a spectacularly gripping documentary that unspools like a great political thriller. It’s the cross-cut tale of two men whose fateful meeting propelled them on divergent courses with Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, 9/11, Guantanamo Bay Prison and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Film Details

The Fabulous Fiff and Fam

The Fabulous Fiff and Fam is a feelgood documentary about two friends of 90 who have known each other since they were five. It is a story about being old on the outside, but still the same inside.

Film Details

The Poodle Trainer

A Russian Poodle Trainer reveals her transcendent relationship with her dogs and the welcome isolation behind the red velvet curtains of the circus.

Film Details

The Queen and I

When Nahid, an Iranian exile, set out to make a documentary about Farah, the wife of the shah of Iran, she expected to encounter her opposite. As a child, Nahid had lived in poverty, watching Farrah’s wedding as if it were a fairy tale. In this poignant consideration of subjectivity as truth, we learn that people write history. And can also heal it.

Film Details

The Fence

Featuring candid interviews with border patrol guards, ranchers, environmentalists and voices from both sides of the immigration controversy, while using humor to highlight the sometimes stark contrast between fact and political opinion, the film is a far-reaching and moving analysis of the financial, human and environmental costs the fence brings with it wherever it stands

Film Details

The Happiest Day of His Life

Like all boys, Steve dreamed of having a perfect wedding. Steve and his dad set out to plan the happiest day of his life. This hilarious, role-reversal film challenges traditions with a sense of humor.

Film Details

The Kinda Sutra

Where exactly do babies come from? Mixing animation and interviews, Yu’s subjects recall some of their earliest experiences and misconceptions of sex and babies. This Indian-themed riff on the Kama Sutra provides a fun glimpse into how we think about sex and what we learn along the way.

Film Details

Library Policy

Films can be accessed in two ways.  Films are available to borrow for all local residents of the Pikes Peak Region at the RMWF office. Up to THREE FILMS (3) may be checked out at one time for up to TEN (10) DAYS.  Films can also be streamed online.  Just click on a film you are interested in and you will be taken to its dedicated page. Once there you will see the link “Just Watch” where you can access free streaming of the film or be given options for streaming on other platforms.  

These DVDs are the property of Rocky Mountain Women’s Film. Use is authorized for private home screenings only. Reproduction or public showings of these films, in whole or in part, are strictly prohibited. If you are interested in showing a film to a larger audience, please contact RMWF to make arrangements with the appropriate distributor and/or filmmakers.


Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm
Call ahead – 719.226.0450
We recommend that you call before coming by to ensure someone will be in the office.


2727 N. Cascade Ave, Suite 140
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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