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One Revolution
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One Revolution

Filmmaker info pending
Running Time
84 minutes

One Revolution

One Revolution opens as dawn breaks atop Africa’s tallest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro. Briefly, glimpses of the mountain frame Chris Waddell as he transfers to his specially designed handcycle. The air is tense as Chris begins the fifth day of his ascent. Etched within every movement he makes is the weighty knowledge that this may be his one chance to have the world see people like himself not as something less, but equals and possibly as something more–as someone with something significant to contribute. If he makes the summit the world may understand his message; if he fails, he may be just another guy in a wheelchair. One Revolution cinematically captures Chris Waddell’s very human journey to dare greatly and ultimately to live fully. This film chronicles the heart and spirit behind an extraordinary achievement as it documents the first almost entirely unassisted paraplegic ascent of 19,340-foot Mt. Kilimanjaro. One Revolution is Waddell’s motto for this expedition, and his life. “One revolution means so many things to me. One revolution of the handcycle, one revolution of the earth, one lifetime, one moment, one chance to make a difference.”

Film details
Year(s) screened
  • 2011
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